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What does a "guy" from Tenerife has to do with Mission Winzig?

Aktualisiert: 13. Juli 2018

It has been raining for 3 days non-stop. All my clothes are wet and my hands are soaked. My food reserves are almost finished, but this is the smaller issue – I ran out of water. This happened over four years ago.

You might think, where am I? The last three days, I had been crossing Tenerife, a Canarian Island located in the Atlantic. Although it is civilized, and the coasts are over-flooded by low-cost tourism, the inner hilly part of the island is quite remote and offers amazing nature. Initially, I wanted to climb the “El Teide” - with 3900 m the highest mountain in Spain. Already on my way for a week, I walked my way up to 1500 m and found myself in a cultivated forest with only few way indications. Whether they were misleading or wrong - I didn't know. But slowly I came to realize that I was completely lost!

Here you find the canarian island

So, I kept on walking in the rain - without enthusiasm and constantly asking myself: why the heck am I doing this to myself? Why can’t I sip a cocktail on the beach? Instead, I found myself sucking the hairy, watery leaves of Salvia pratensis – what a refreshing cocktail… However, with 25 kg on my back, walking up mountains, I was as thirsty as never before. During the day, I felt my energy dropping and I became more and more pathetic.

My hairy cocktail...

More and more, I became a zombie, putting one foot after each other, hoping to stumble upon civilization. It became past midday, when I crossed a forest road. Suddenly, I woke up from my zombie-mode – I’ve heard a sound! Sure, I’ve heard a car coming. After some time, I saw an old white Jeep passing: a forest ranger! Not sure to wait for salvation, or penalty for illegally wild camping.

It became salvation. Probably one of the most remarkable and long-lasting ones in my life. The ranger stops and introduces himself as Juan. He sees my condition and immediately offers me chocolate and tea - honey and milk for my damaged body!

We don’t speak each others’ language, but we understand each other: we start gesticulating, making noises, using hands and feet! Juan brings me out of the rainy clouds to the foot of El Teide and drops me of at a camping spot where I could dry my wet clothes. I am laughing a lot, relieved from my crappy situation, feeling alive again.

It is funny and miraculous what life taught me in this situation: although you might never expect it, there will always be one soul mate to help you out.

Since this meeting, Juan and I are in contact – almost every day. And it is mostly him that inspires me with daily insights and with his great attitude. He always reminds me to keep on going, although society tells you different things. So, coming back to the question in the heading: Juan, the “guy” from Tenerife is our first donor for the Tiny House Project Mission Winzig: No estamos lokos...

...We are not crazy

that we know what we want

live your life

as it were a dream

4 years ago...

Thanks a lot my dear friend, Boris & Fiona

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